Monday, March 4, 2013


Grading Rubric for Questions Three and Four 

3.) In the picture, which God is pictured below

Short Answer: correct answer is "Shiva"

Remember: Picture and/or statue of the God Shiva
Understand: Always has a third eye and peacock feathers
Apply: Figure of Shiva as one of the Gods

4.) In an essay format, in a minimum of five sentences  what are the differences of each God and how do they coexist to support the universe? Correct answer is: "Vishnu sustains the universe, Brahma creates the universe and Shiva destroys the universe". "Gods coexist because in order for there to be creation, there must be destruction. In order for creation there must be sustainability before destruction".

Remember: Vishnu as a sustainer, Brahma as a creator, and Shiva as a destroyer.
Understand: In order for creation, there must be destruction to make room for new creation. Also, creation has to be allowed to serve its purpose and be sustained until no longer needed.
Apply: Sustainable, Creation, Destruction.

Satisfactory: Student remembers, understands and applies all concepts.
Improvement: Student achieves two of the three needed for satisfactory assessment
Unsatisfactory: Student does not achieve any of the three needed for satisfactory assessment.

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